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The Emissary Movie: A Picturesque Sci-Fi Journey Through the Peninsula
If you were a creative type living in Door County, and also had the resources not only to envision and then write a film script, but to also
shoot your movie, act in it, and capably handle the directing, producing, editing, sound, special effects and music scoring — all
with extremely high production values — what kind of movie would YOU make? Rom-com…horror…thriller…drama?
Tim Erskine, the talented force behind The Emissary Movie, has made a film that appears on the surface to be very much like his own winsome
personality: tender, quirkily funny, romantic, and techy-nerdy, with a dose of mindful living. This is a movie unlike anything else you
will see this year, and that is a real shame. Every rural community should have a Tim Erskine capable of capturing its unique character.
In this just-released sci-fi thriller romantic comedy with a heart, an explosive alien power source is a threat that could blow up the entire
Door Peninsula if not found and defused, and also leave a gigantic crater in its wake. Thank goodness alien Koyper from outer space (local
fabric artist Peter Ciesla, featuring a winning, naturalistic manner) has just landed in Ellison Bay to save the day. Joined by mindfulness
wannabe Jim (Tim Erskine) and buddies Andy (Paul Erskine) and Mark (Pat Palmer), the hunt is on! Needless to say, the plot is tangential
to the story.
Peter, as a new visitor to Door County, cannot resist enjoying the Peninsula’s many tourist pleasures. He absolutely has to see his first library
(Ephraim), play a competitive round of mini golf at The Red Putter, sit in the big purple chair at Julie's Park Café, and otherwise waste
time that (gulp) should be devoted to finding that damn power source!
Spoiler Alert: The power source is defused by means of a clue, a rare isotope found only in Renard's cheese curds. And this casually rambling
movie, with its unusually fine acting and of-the-moment special effects and sound quality, is a testament to a filmmaker with a unique
vision and an abundant love for Door County.
–John Nelson, Publisher, DOOR COUNTY GO! GUIDE